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Making Makers Talk About Money – Drewe and Kate Branding Co.

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Let’s talk about talking about money

We’ve been lucky enough to work with some incredibly talented and successful artists who have seen the ups and downs of running a creative business. But let’s face it: talking about money can be a little uncomfy sometimes! We are here to change that by inviting you to join the conversation in this segment, we’re calling “Making Makers Talk About Money” or MMTAM for short.

Meet Drewe & Kate!

Drewe and Kate Branding Co. is a creative studio in Wilmington, NC specializing in branding, photography, and website design.

Wait. What? might not even exist if it weren’t for Drewe and Kate! (REALLY!) Drewe introduced Alisha to Kate when she was doing her solo wedding photography business, which was one of our first clients. Then, when they started Drewe and Kate, they did all of our branded photo shoots, website, and art direction. Along with Fred and Mina, who designed our logo, they helped shape the version of Wait. What? that you see today! Over the years, they’ve become such powerhouses of creativity and branding, with an eye for detail that we adore. We love watching them grow and take on the world. (They even have t shirts, now!)

drewe and kare

Let’s get down to business with D&K!

What money advice would you give yourself when you were just starting out?

You need less than you think you do! When we started out, we were all about pacing ourselves with our business investments. We made do with our old photo gear and our exhausted laptops from our college days. Why? Well, mainly because we didn’t want to spend a lot of money until we were sure we had a steady income rolling in.

It seems like a lot of other business owners dive headfirst into the shiny stuff—splurging on fancy gear, snagging a swanky office space, or going all out on branding—before they’ve even nailed down the essence of their brand. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with that approach. But we’ve found that figuring out the basics first is key. Which is honestly, part of the reason we created our semi-custom brands. So that small businesses that are just starting out can feel polished without the investment of a custom brand.

Sure, all those extras can make you feel pro, but they don’t necessarily make you better at what you do. It’s like the old saying goes: sometimes less really is more.

How has your idea of pricing changed over the years?

You know, it’s wild how much our perspective on pricing has shifted since we started Drewe and Kate Branding Co. Back in the day, we kinda undervalued ourselves. It’s like we thought people were doing us a favor by hiring us, so we went above and beyond trying to prove our worth.

But girlie, did we learn some lessons along the way. We realized that working that hard for that little wasn’t sustainable—or profitable, for that matter.

So, now we’re all about setting our prices based on industry standards. We’re a full-service branding studio, crafting personalized brand strategies and designs that are the backbone of any business’s marketing game. And you know what? That’s not something you cut corners on. It’s an investment.

We’ve come to understand that pricing ourselves right means we can give our clients the attention they deserve. After all, quality work takes time and focus. And that’s something we’re not willing to compromise on.

What is the best financial investment you’ve made in your business?

Well, Kate’s first answer was, “Lunch babyyyy.”

Truthfully, it was probably our “couples” therapy when we started our business. Yes, you read that correctly. Couples therapy—for business partners. Initially dismissed as a quirky suggestion, it soon became the catalyst for profound change in our entrepreneurial journey.

Turns out, it was eye-opening. We realized we had totally different ideas about money. But with our therapist’s help, we managed to find a groove that worked for both of us. Whether it was splitting up tasks or blending our roles as business partners and friends, we found a sweet spot.

But let us tell you, therapy ain’t cheap! Our therapist was amazing, but she didn’t take insurance. So, for almost two years, we were shelling out cash for our sessions.

Still, it was worth every penny. Those talks gave us the tools to tackle the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship together. And you know what? We’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. Thanks to those little therapy sessions, we’re ready to face whatever the business world throws our way.

Have you ever spent money on something you regret? Vice versa, have you ever regretted not spending money on something?

We’re so picky that we can’t even think of one thing we regret. Sure, we’ve bought questionable backdrop colors and there was this one conference we went to that wasn’t all that great, but you know what? We still had a great time just traveling together.

What is your money mantra?

How much could a little lunch cost?

What is your business theme song? 

There are so many we like for this one! Formation by Beyonce always pumps us up for a photo shoot or Mastermind by Taylor Swift is a fun one for brand strategy, but today we are leaning towards “You’re On Your Own Kid” by Taylor Swift because it is the truth!

It encapsulates the raw reality of entrepreneurship. In business, you often have to rely on your own grit, determination, and resourcefulness to succeed. This song resonates with us because it acknowledges the challenges and struggles of forging your own path, but also celebrates the independence and resilience required to overcome them. It’s a reminder that in the world of entrepreneurship, you have to be self-reliant and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

Are you working on anything cool lately?

Small Business Bundle

We love working with small businesses as they are just getting started and we’ve created a package with everything you need to either get started or refresh your brand. We’ll create a brand identity (custom logo + brand board) as well as a more condensed version of a website. The website includes up to three pages and is completely customized to your brand. We’ll also include three complimentary social media posts + give you our best tips and tricks on keeping a consistent and manageable social media presence and client workflow.

Semi-Custom Branding

Our pre-made, semi custom brand kits are perfect for emerging brands that need a quick turnaround time, aren’t quite ready to invest in a custom brand identity, but value the importance of a cohesive look.


We have been making tees! We are truly in love with them and the merch shop is live!!!!

You can find them – @dreweandkate, or email them at

Need bookkeeping help? We got you! Reach out HERE!

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